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There are four main types of diets: 

  • Vegetarian

  • Pescatarian

  • Vegan

  • and Omnivore (meat eating)


Meat eating diets are the most common, which includes the consumption of animal products such as fish, chicken, pork, beef, etc. There is nothing wrong with eating meat, but it's recommended to choose healthier options such as organic meat, avoiding fried foods, and fast food.


There are also weight loss diets, that can help you shed weight in a short time. We'll be going over the Mediterranean, and Keto Diet. 

Food Photography
Fresh Vegetables Salad


Vegetarian diets exclude ALL meats, but it allows dairy products like milk, eggs, and cheese.

A Vegetarian diet eliminates meats like chicken, beef, seafood, pork, etc. Vegetarian promotes eating fruits, vegetables, beans, and dairy. The vegetarian diet is up for interpretation, but the sole rule is NO meat consumption.

Health benefits includes reduced risk of getting heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Vegetarians have a reputation of being very healthy, but that's not always the case. Some vegetarians rely on processed foods like pasta, pizza, fast food, etc. Processed foods contain high calories, sugar, fat, and sodium. Avoid eating too much processed foods.

Vegetarian diet lacks essential nutrients because they don't eat meat. Some nutrients that a vegetarian may lack are calcium, protein, vitamin D, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Try getting protein from other sources such as eggs, peanut butter, beans, peas, and nuts.

Taking pill supplements can help you get the nutrients you're missing.

Salmon Fillet


Pescatarians are allowed to eat meat, but ONLY fish products.

Do you like fish? Well this may be the right diet for you! If you want to cut out other meats but don't want to eliminate all meat, this is a great option. 

Pescatarians are allowed to eat seafood such as tuna, salmon, shrimp, lobster, crabs, etc. It's a great diet and can be used to slowly transition into vegetarianism.

Pescatarian diet excludes meat such as chicken, beef, pork, and lamb.

Seafood is considered one of the healthiest foods because they have a lot of nutrients, such as protein, Vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids. 


Vegans eat NO animal products.
No meat, dairy, or seafood.

Vegan goes cold turkey on all animal products. Unlike vegetarians that can drink milk, eat cheese, butter, and yogurt, Vegans cannot eat this because these foods are made from animals. This is why there's vegan butter available in stores, it is created without using milk or animal byproduct. No animals are hurt in the process. Some people go vegan for animal rights, while others do it for their health. 


Going vegan can lower the chances of you heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure. However, they need to consume more protein and vitamin B-12.

Image by Nadine Primeau


These are the meat eaters, all meat included!

Omnivores have no restrictions on what they can eat. This is the beauty of this diet, because they're able to make selective choices on the types of food they consume. Since omnivores can eat any meat, they have the option to be more picky on the types of food they can eat. It can be easy to find healthy foods that you can enjoy.


Be sure to include a fruits and vegetables in your diet, to stay healthy and get a variety of nutrients. Eating whole grains such as rice can ensure you have a balanced diet.


Check out the food pyramid to make sure you're getting all of your nutrients. 

Meal in One Plate
Image by Brooke Lark



  • Mediterranean diet is a vegetable-rich diet that cuts out most meat except fish.

  • It consists of eating whole grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans, seeds, eggs, cheese, and yogurt.

  • It uses olive oil instead of butter, and salad dressings.

  • Benefits: lower blood sugar, healthy weight loss, lowers risk of diseases, and fights depression


    Keto Diet

    • Keto diet is very low carbohydrates (carbs), high fat, and moderate protein.

    • The low carb intake will cause your body to use your stored body fat.

    • A keto diet consists of 10 percent carbs, 20-35 percent protein, and 75 percent fat.

    • The picture above displays a Keto diet​


    Other diets include Fasting, Carb cycling, Macro tracking, and Gluten free. 

    Conduct some research to see which diet is a good fit for you!

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